Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Deleting a failed Domain Controller object from Active Directory
Configure a Windows 2000 or 2003 Server as a Global Catalog
Fix an Unsuccessful Domain Controller Demotion
The DCPROMO (Dcpromo.exe) utility is used for promoting a server to a domain controller and demoting a domain controller to a member server (or to a standalone server in a workgroup if the domain controller is the last in the domain). As part of the demotion process, the DCPROMO utility removes the configuration data for the domain controller from the Active Directory. This data takes the form of an "NTDS Settings" object, which exists as a child to the server object in the Active Directory Sites and Services Manager.
The information is in the following location in the Active Directory:CN=NTDS Settings,CN=
The attributes of the NTDS Settings object include data representing how the domain controller is identified in respect to its replication partners, the naming contexts that are maintained on the machine, whether or not the domain controller is a Global Catalog server, and the default query policy. The NTDS Settings object is also a container that may have child objects that represent the domain controller's direct replication partners. This data is required for the domain controller to operate within the environment, but is retired upon demotion.In the event that the NTDS Settings object is not removed properly (for example, the NTDS Settings object is not properly removed from a demotion attempt), the administrator can use the Ntdsutil.exe utility to manually remove the NTDS Settings object. The following steps list the procedure for removing the NTDS Settings object in the Active Directory for a given domain controller. At each NTDSUTIL menu, the administrator can type help for more information about the available options.
Caution: The administrator should also check that replication has occurred since the demotion before manually removing the NTDS Settings object for any server. Using the NTDSUTIL utility improperly can result in partial or complete loss of Active Directory functionality.
Add custom field to ADUC- Employee ID
How to add Employee ID to Active Directory Users and Computers
- Open ADSI Edit
- Expand the CN=Configuration node and go to CN=DisplaySpecifiers, CN=409. Select the 409 node in the left hand pane.
- In the right-hand pane, select the CN=user-Display object. Right click and select Properties.
- Select the adminContextMenu attribute and click Edit.
- We now need to add the value that will be used to create the additional menu item and direct it to the employeeID.vbs script. The syntax is very important. Be sure to include the comma at the beginning and after the menu name (Employee-ID). Add the following syntax to the Value to Add: line:
(your VBS file must be stored on shared location in order to allow all domain controllers to access it) - Change the servername and sharename items to reflect your current environment and then click Add.
- Click OK to accept the changes and close ADSI Edit.
- Allow some time for replication to populate the changes throughout the directory.
- Open ADUC and select a user. Right click on the user and notice the new menu item now available.
- Select Employee-ID to launch the script from within the ADUC. From here we can either enter a new value for the employeeID attribute for the user or hit Cancel to leave the current value intact.
(Note: If no value is present in the field, then the attribute value is empty for that user.)
VBSscript – just copy and paste in notepad, than save as employeeID.vbs and copy to shared folder.
Dim objEmployeeID
Dim objSelectedUser
Dim strNewEmployeeID
Set objEmployeeID = Wscript.Arguments
Set objSelectedUser = GetObject(objEmployeeID(0))
strNewEmployeeID = InputBox(”Employee ID: ” & objSelectedUser.employeeID & vbCRLF _
& vbCRLF _
& “To enter a new Employee ID number,” _
& ” type it into the text box” _
& ” below and click OK.”)
if strNewEmployeeID <> “” Then
objSelectedUser.Put “employeeID”,strNewEmployeeID
end if
When you right click on user in ADUC you will see new field (EmployeeID)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
forcibly transfer (seize) FSMO Roles
Windows 2000/2003 Active Directory domains utilize a Single Operation Master method called FSMO (Flexible Single Master Operation), as described in Understanding FSMO Roles in Active Directory.
The five FSMO roles are:
· Schema master - Forest-wide and one per forest.
· Domain naming master - Forest-wide and one per forest.
· RID master - Domain-specific and one for each domain.
· PDC - PDC Emulator is domain-specific and one for each domain.
· Infrastructure master - Domain-specific and one for each domain.
In most cases an administrator can keep the FSMO role holders (all 5 of them) in the same spot (or actually, on the same DC) as has been configured by the Active Directory installation process. However, there are scenarios where an administrator would want to move one or more of the FSMO roles from the default holder DC to a different DC.
Moving the FSMO roles while both the original FSMO role holder and the future FSMO role holder are online and operational is called Transferring, and is described in the Transferring FSMO Roles article.
However, when the original FSMO role holder went offline or became non operational for a long period of time, the administrator might consider moving the FSMO role from the original, non-operational holder, to a different DC. The process of moving the FSMO role from a non-operational role holder to a different DC is called Seizing, and is described in this article.
If a DC holding a FSMO role fails, the best thing to do is to try and get the server online again. Since none of the FSMO roles are immediately critical (well, almost none, the loss of the PDC Emulator FSMO role might become a problem unless you fix it in a reasonable amount of time), so it is not a problem to them to be unavailable for hours or even days.
If a DC becomes unreliable, try to get it back on line, and transfer the FSMO roles to a reliable computer. Administrators should use extreme caution in seizing FSMO roles. This operation, in most cases, should be performed only if the original FSMO role owner will not be brought back into the environment. Only seize a FSMO role if absolutely necessary when the original role holder is not connected to the network.
What will happen if you do not perform the seize in time? This table has the info:
FSMO Role | Loss implications |
Schema | The schema cannot be extended. However, in the short term no one will notice a missing Schema Master unless you plan a schema upgrade during that time. |
Domain Naming | Unless you are going to run DCPROMO, then you will not miss this FSMO role. |
RID | Chances are good that the existing DCs will have enough unused RIDs to last some time, unless you're building hundreds of users or computer object per week. |
PDC Emulator | Will be missed soon. NT 4.0 BDCs will not be able to replicate, there will be no time synchronization in the domain, you will probably not be able to change or troubleshoot group policies and password changes will become a problem. |
Infrastructure | Group memberships may be incomplete. If you only have one domain, then there will be no impact. |
Important: If the RID, Schema, or Domain Naming FSMOs are seized, then the original domain controller must not be activated in the forest again. It is necessary to reinstall Windows if these servers are to be used again.
The following table summarizes the FSMO seizing restrictions:
FSMO Role | Restrictions |
Schema | Original must be reinstalled |
Domain Naming | |
RID | |
PDC Emulator | Can transfer back to original |
Infrastructure |
Another consideration before performing the seize operation is the administrator's group membership, as this table lists:
FSMO Role | Administrator must be a member of |
Schema | Schema Admins |
Domain Naming | Enterprise Admins |
RID | Domain Admins |
PDC Emulator | |
Infrastructure |
To seize the FSMO roles by using Ntdsutil, follow these steps:
Caution: Using the Ntdsutil utility incorrectly may result in partial or complete loss of Active Directory functionality.
- On any domain controller, click Start, click Run, type Ntdsutil in the Open box, and then click OK.
- Type roles, and then press ENTER.
Note: To see a list of available commands at any of the prompts in the Ntdsutil tool, type ?, and then press ENTER.
- Type connections, and then press ENTER.
- Type connect to server
, where is the name of the server you want to use, and then press ENTER.
- At the server connections: prompt, type q, and then press ENTER again.
- Type seize
, where is the role you want to seize. For example, to seize the RID Master role, you would type seize rid master:
Options are:
- You will receive a warning window asking if you want to perform the seize. Click on Yes.
Note: All five roles need to be in the forest. If the first domain controller is out of the forest then seize all roles. Determine which roles are to be on which remaining domain controllers so that all five roles are not on only one server.
- Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you've seized all the required FSMO roles.
- After you seize or transfer the roles, type q, and then press ENTER until you quit the Ntdsutil tool.
Note: Do not put the Infrastructure Master (IM) role on the same domain controller as the Global Catalog server. If the Infrastructure Master runs on a GC server it will stop updating object information because it does not contain any references to objects that it does not hold. This is because a GC server holds a partial replica of every object in the forest.